Recommended Tools

Below are a few categories of items I have researched and reviewed. I’ve spent countless hours looking at various products. When possible, I’ve tried my best to suggest a range of products based on costs and quality. I don’t want to recommend a $500 drill press when I think you can pick one up on Craigslist that is just as good for $50.

As I’ve searched these products I’ve had two goals in mind:

  1. Find the products that beginners need. There’s nothing more frustrating for a new hobbyist to be overwhelmed with endless choices. I want to help eliminate that feeling. My goal is to find you high quality products that not only fit your budget and needs; but that you will also use. Unused tools that are sitting in the corner after a few months are a waste of money and space in your workshop.
  2. Find products for non-beginners that are high quality and built to last. Once you start purchasing saws and machines for your shop, the cost of investment for this hobby goes up significantly.

Lastly, please do not skip on safety products. Woodworking can be an amazing way to reduce stress and get your mind off your day to day worries. However, power tools can cause a person to lose a hand or finger in a split second. Please don’t try to save a few bucks and put your well being at risk.